Weekly Drama Check-in Post (all rumors and innuendo)

promopic photo Lee-Soon-Shin-is-the-Best_zps394940b2.jpgI have been so, so busy these past few days (boring real life reasons… though our house has never been this organized — which is awesome!) and my thinking brain is pretty much broken. I am totally looking forward to kicking back with some You’re the Best Lee Soon Shin (the reward of holding off on watching the latest episodes). But I must, must post. A week cannot past with out a check-in post. This I swear!

I am filled up full with dramas right now (saturation point, achieved!) but there’s been a lot of good buzz surrounding the newest arrivals. I absolutely cannot pick them up now. But here’s what I’ve been hearing…

Monstar: Word on the street hints at this one being a magical combination of Dream High (1st season — not the only-heard-bad-things-about-it 2nd season), What’s Up? and maaaybe even Shut Up Flower Boy Band? …Though that might be my over optimistic nature leading to crazy talk. Even without that last though… drama sounds like a winner.

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… yeah… probably not this good…

Heartless City: Gritty and dark and edgy. Words I expected to hear used about Shark actually. Which takes this one off of the “huh? was there a drama called that?” list and on up into the “keeping a cautious eye on you” list.

Shark: Weirdly buzz free, actually. Nothing bad, but I guess nothing particularly grabby yet either? I’m suspecting it’s the kid-factor at work. It’s hard to tell how a drama will actually turn out until after you get through the kid portion and into the grownups’ stories. Which means I’ll be carefully circling the reaction posts for a little longer.

Dating Agency: Cyrano: Another weirdly quiet arrival. What buzz I’ve seen has been good, but no one’s reacted with utterly bowled-over glee. Possibly an effect of high-expectations? This is one that I will most likely watch, buzz or no buzz (unless I hear it’s horribly, terribly, bad) simply because it’s part of TvN’s Oh Boy! line up, which I’ve found consistently good. So I’ll probably not monitor it too closely. Unless there’s horrified screaming.

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Judging you!

As to the dramas I am watching… Not a ton of movement emotionally-wise. Nine has sucked both me and the husband in. (It’s got a nice building momentum that I was not expecting.) I’m getting a bit worried about Jang Ok Jung: Live in Love — but it’s still my crack drama of choice. Just as Gu Family Book is my “judging you” drama of choice. And both Pasta and Unstoppable Highkick are providing exactly the sort of break I need when I need it.

And that’s all I got. Not bad for a broken brain. Now off to frolic with Lee Soon Shin! (And Shin Joon-ho… because, come on.)

10 thoughts on “Weekly Drama Check-in Post (all rumors and innuendo)

  1. I urge you to check out Monstar- it is really good. So far it definitely has the SUFBB vibe and has grabbed my attention much more than Cyrano has. Not that Cyrano is not good, it is, but it just isn’t that certain coming of age wonderful that Monstar is. I am still shocked at proclaiming this opinion, I did not have high hopes for Monstar going into the show. Which makes it that much more sweet in its awesomeness.

    • Ooh — now I’m really looking forward to marathoning Monstar!

      It’s funny how expectations have flipped: with Cyrano and Monstar, but also Heartless City and Shark. It’s the season of the dark horse apparently. 😉

  2. I’m also pretty shocked by the cracky buzz that Monstar’s been getting.. It got shifted from “I’m only going to check you out very casually” to “I gotta check you out for sure!” just based on all the good things that I’m hearing!

    Nine sounds good, actually.. And I’m toying with picking that as our drama of choice coz it’d mean that I’ll watch it sooner rather than later.. Lemme chew on that some more while I try to get myself sorted out.. Looks like both our Unnie powers have been re-deployed to RL needs lately! XD

    • My total experience! Now Monstar’s become the one that I’m talking myself away from clicking because I’m at my drama-watching saturation point and picking up a new drama right now would be crazy (is my argument. with myself.)

      We are trucking along with “Nine” (the husband likes it!) and up to episode 10. So that one could well work! (The more time you chew, the more time I have to watch it — so chew away I say! ;)) Unnie-powers, fighting! 😀

  3. Wow…..you are watching so many dramas at the same time!!!!
    Monstar is the show about which I didn’t read anything before it premiered….and now everyone is like praising it so much….definitely needs to be checked….
    Shark and Cyrano Dating agency are also in my plan list 🙂
    Heartless City sounds good as well 🙂

    • Dear Lord, I really, really am. Which is why I’m just keeping a cautious hopefully-spoiler-avoiding eye on the newbies. So I know which one to grab later. When I’m not being quite as drama-crazy. 😉

  4. Monstar really is like a mixture of Dream High (original), What’s Up and Heartstrings with bits of SUFBB and School 2013 thrown in for good measure. I doubt it’ll get to the level of SUFBB awesome though. 🙂 Still, it is a lot better than expected and I’m looking forward to next weekend.

    I’ve already sung my Heartless City prases @ LJ, so you know all about that. 😉 Let’s see if the same trend continues this week. It’s funny how much more I’m looking forward to HC than Shark, which doesn’t suck either but it just didn’t instantly draw me in like HC did.

    Cyrano is a pretty typical romcom and I hardly ever have much to say about those. I watch them if I’m in the mood but that’s about it.

    • You’re totally responsible for getting my ears all pricked up for Heartless City. 😀 I’ll be watching (carefully) to see if it continues to hit your happy place.

  5. I watched the first two episodes of Shark and loved them – believable youngsters, cute romance, and some surprisingly dark twisty stuff revealing itself in the second ep. Great set design, assured direction, competent acting – I loved Mawang/The Devil so I was all over this, but it is living up to my high expectations, so far.

    • I loved Mawang, too — so that’s definitely a vote in favor of “Shark” (and had been a big reason I was anticipating it). I’m glad to hear it’s meeting expectations. I certainly hadn’t heard bad things — I was just surprised to not hear as much about it as Heartless City. (Could well be a case of “Shark” being as good as expected so not getting the kind of comments a surprise good-drama gets.)

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